Personal Growth
Photo Credit: candiluv via flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Each of us faces challenges at different points of our lives. Some are short lived. Others can span a significant part of our lifetimes. Identifying and addressing life challenges can lead to phenomenal personal growth and psychological health. Counseling can promote a greater sense of self, increased confidence, and healing.
Personal Growth counseling is often a part of other treatment protocols. For example, counseling for depression or anxiety will certainly include personal growth dimensions. However, there are times that an individual seeks counseling for a specific issue of cluster of personal growth issues that create barriers to a fuller life.
Personal Growth counseling is often a part of other treatment protocols. For example, counseling for depression or anxiety will certainly include personal growth dimensions. However, there are times that an individual seeks counseling for a specific issue of cluster of personal growth issues that create barriers to a fuller life.
Relationships, Marriage, Family, & Couples Counseling
Photo Credit: Chase Lewis via Flickr
At Spectrum, we recognize that human relationships are at the core of some of the most wonderful and the most troubling of life experiences. When our relationships are healthy we can laugh, love, work, and play, safe to be ourselves. Building healthy relationships, healing broken ones, and reconciling to the loss of a relationship and all that entails are important elements of the work we do at Spectrum.
Relationships grow out of interactions in all arenas of life. They can include partner/marital/or couple relationships, occupational/professional relationships, parent-child relationships, sibling relationships, family relationships, supervisor-worker relationships, and others. Because relationships involve people who come from different backgrounds, life perspectives, and values; they are complex and can be the source of great satisfaction or great pain.
At Spectrum Psychological Services, we are dedicated to fostering healthy relationships and working to heal broken ones. When a relationship is irretrievably changed or broken, we focus on reconciliation to loss and focus on new growth and hope for the future. To this end, we address many relationship related issues.
Relationships grow out of interactions in all arenas of life. They can include partner/marital/or couple relationships, occupational/professional relationships, parent-child relationships, sibling relationships, family relationships, supervisor-worker relationships, and others. Because relationships involve people who come from different backgrounds, life perspectives, and values; they are complex and can be the source of great satisfaction or great pain.
At Spectrum Psychological Services, we are dedicated to fostering healthy relationships and working to heal broken ones. When a relationship is irretrievably changed or broken, we focus on reconciliation to loss and focus on new growth and hope for the future. To this end, we address many relationship related issues.